CURRENTPATIENTS 1. Click to Make an Appointment
Your initial appointment will consist of a consultation explaining your diagnosis and treatment
options. A thorough examination of the teeth is completed, as well as a review of your medical
history, blood pressure, x-rays, evaluation of the gums and bone around the teeth, an oral cancer
examination using advanced fluorescent technology, and diagnostic photographs. If x-rays were
taken during the previous six months, please contact your previous dentist to release and forward
the films to our office. The x-rays help us assess the health of your teeth, level of your bone, and
any impactions, possible areas of decay, or infection. We will assess the health of your gums at this
appointment to determine what type of cleaning is best for you. After completing the diagnostic
exam, we will discuss your treatment options to choose the course of treatment with which you are
most comfortable.
Click Here for Download Registration Form!
Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your consultation:
- Your referral slip and any x-rays if applicable.
- A list of medications you are presently taking.
- If you have medical or dental insurance, bring the necessary completed forms.
This will save time and allow us to help you process any claims.
IMPORTANT: A parent or guardian must accompany all patients under 18 at the consultation visit.
Please alert the office if you have a medical condition that may be of concern prior to surgery (i.e.
diabetes, high blood pressure, artificial heart valves and joints, rheumatic fever, etc.) or if you are on
any medication (i.e. heart medications, aspirin, anticoagulant therapy, etc.) or require medication
prior to dental cleanings.
Patient Registration
Please preregister with our office by filling out our secure online Patient Registration Form. After
you have completed the form, please make sure to press the Complete and Send button at the
bottom to automatically send us your information. The security and privacy of your personal data is
one of our primary concerns and we have taken every precaution to protect it.